
Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Social Climber,,have u heard or seen?do you know?

Social Climber

pernah dengar?lihat atau amati?
contoh kasus :
ada seseorang artis yang sangat baik dan ramah dengan semua fans nya,,kemudian ada salah satu fans nya tidak sengaja bertemu dengan artis tersebut di suatu kesempatan,contoh restoran - makan siang, Nah fans tersebut akan menyebarkan cerita bahwa dia beberapa kali makan siang dan sering nongkrong dengan si artis tersebut,
atau contoh kasus berikut
Atau ada seorang pria ganteng dan populer di suatu komunitas high class dan suatu ketika ada kesempatan seorang wanita yang notabene bukan siapa siapa,bertemu dan bertegur sapa dengan si pria ini,kemudian si wanita nya menyebarkan cerita bahwa pernah dekat dengan si pria. Jika dikorfirmasi dengan si pria,apakah pernah dekat dengan si wanita tersebut,mungkin jawabannya "hah si A?siapa yah?"
SO damn pathetic person yah,memaksakan diri untuk dianggap menjadi 'sesuatu' di dunia sosial dengan menghapus jatidiri

Mau tau apa seh definisi Social Climber tersebut??

om wiki said A social climber is someone who seeks social prominence, for example by obsequious behavior. The term is sometimes used as synonymous with parvenu, one who has suddenly risen to a higher economic status but has not gained the social acceptance of others in that class

Social CLimber :
  1. Similar to an "attention whore", but a social climber is anyone that becomes friends with someone else if they have something that they want, which we all know involves people. They become 'friends' with people who "know people". In turn, they become (or attempt to become) 'friends' with that first person's more "popular" friends, leaving the first person behind. Repeats this cycle to "get to the top", in their own mind, until they realize they are shallow and unable to like people for who they really are. Inevitably, they will be forced to "mature" beyond this. This usually pertains to girls more so than guys.
  2. a person who finds the need to blow you off for a person of higher social status than you
  3. a person who tries to seek social acceptance either through:
    1.) the expense of someone else
    2.) the use of obsequious behavior
    3.) "forced" companionship
  4. A social climber is person who will stop at nothing to achieve one thing and one thing alone. popularity. In others words, high social status. This person will go to any extent to gain "cooler" friends, and they disregaurd the fact that karma will bight them in the ass later
  5. Someone who will do anythin to gain friends and become more popular. They will do anything in order to make themselves look good in the eyes of others. No matter what time it is, if theres ever an oppertunity to become more popular they will take it.
  6. Nothing but bitches that get up two-faced, start hating, and all that stupid shit that they do so they can get on top of da social society! These fuckers would do anything to get to da top of da 'popular stats'!
  7. Off road enthusiast that enjoys the freedom of "socially" climbing obstacles and driving modified off road vehicles. Closely associated with social drinkers in that typically the social climber enjoys an alcoholic beverage while off roading.
jadi yahh tipe ini menjadi jadi seiring level kehidupan manusia yang semakin meningkat ntah dari segi fashion dll yang sangat konsumtif demi kenaikan strata atau posisi di kehidupan sosial